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28-Nov-2019 |
會計業界稅務座談會 |
https://bit.ly/2r3oZKl |
21-Nov-2019 |
註冊核數師公會分享科技革新 |
https://bit.ly/2tpPGcY |
16-Jun-2016 |
國際財務報告準則第 3 號 – 企業合併 |
https://goo.gl/UCZ22x |
30-Mar-2016 |
9樣成功的人永遠不會做的事 |
https://goo.gl/n3MYh4 |
30-Mar-2016 |
Busy vs. Effective |
https://goo.gl/PVa78U |
23-Mar-2016 |
如何打造更專業的會計師事務所 |
https://goo.gl/0BoI07 |
15-Mar-2016 |
會計師的三大條件 |
https://goo.gl/LO7ZNj |
10-Mar-2016 |
Internal audit vs. External audit |
https://goo.gl/Wyy8Wa |
27-Feb-2016 |
著得醒目,真定會否變得成功嗎? |
https://goo.gl/Q781q7 |
26-Feb-2016 |
美國CPA考試歷史發展進程 |
https://goo.gl/N2iBq7 |
26-Feb-2016 |
有些說話,可能不能直接跟老闆說。 |
https://goo.gl/kyyge4 |
23-Feb-2016 |
How to be a good business partner. |
https://goo.gl/lrH1P7 |
16-Feb-2016 |
會計人如何蛻變?讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路 |
https://goo.gl/0DtLfA |
16-Feb-2016 |
澳大會計學士課程獲英國特許公認會計師公會認證 |
https://goo.gl/xkMjMZ |
15-Feb-2016 |
對青年創業的幾點思考 |
https://goo.gl/OwtF2p |
12-Feb-2016 |
IFRS Standards—why do they matter? |
https://goo.gl/jtgb66 |
11-Feb-2016 |
內審通識:為甚麼內審須維持獨立 |
https://goo.gl/OdYOqV |
25-Jan-2016 |
澳大會計學士課程獲香港會計師公會專業資格認可 |
https://goo.gl/m0AcV0 |
23-Jan-2016 |
會計究竟做甚麼? |
https://goo.gl/LYzkEx |
22-Jan-2016 |
如何分配好工作和進修的時間 |
https://goo.gl/f4Dy7G |
16-Jan-2016 |
12 things mentally strong people don't do |
https://goo.gl/qNMkFN |
9-Jan-2016 |
會計職場危與機 |
https://goo.gl/tPQpc9 |
7-Jan-2016 |
如何令你過目不忘! |
https://goo.gl/of6rhT |
7-Jan-2016 |
談話時降低聲量,令你變得更強! |
https://goo.gl/yX6hGd |
6-Jan-2016 |
看看這12種方法內提升自己的能力吧! |
https://goo.gl/bWmZii |
30-Dec-2015 |
9 embarrassing grammar mistakes, and how to avoid making them |
https://goo.gl/frL2wl |
23-Dec-2015 |
How Does Company Culture Actually lead to Success |
https://goo.gl/SK2sDs |
17-Dec-2015 |
9 unprofessional behaviors that will make you look flaky |
https://goo.gl/hPdWQ0 |
16-Dec-2015 |
8 things people decide within seconds of meeting you |
https://goo.gl/ISIdNk |
14-Dec-2015 |
The 10 most popular free online courses for professionals |
https://goo.gl/fsd2wL |
11-Dec-2015 |
職場生存術:人際溝通技巧 |
https://goo.gl/Zk2ebD |
9-Dec-2015 |
To avoid hiring a toxic employee |
https://goo.gl/lZZrlI |
6-Dec-2015 |
How to proofread your own writing |
https://goo.gl/UvKjfW |
3-Dec-2015 |
澳門會計師事務所應如何面對商業行賄 |
https://goo.gl/LbOLbN |
27-Nov-2015 |
https://goo.gl/LOfrG1 |
21-Nov-2015 |
10 mistakes you might be making in the first 10 minutes of the workday |
https://goo.gl/jKHKUY |
19-Nov-2015 |
Google: 2 ways to retain our staffs |
https://goo.gl/Va7pVu |
13-Nov-2015 |
What do you think what "business casual" means. |
https://goo.gl/xfcZoS |