SME Credit Guarantee Scheme (for Special Projects)

“SME Credit Guarantee Scheme Designated for Special Projects” provides credit guarantee of up to 100% of the amount needed for SME to finance special projects, so as to support them to develop projects to reform and alter their type of business; to promote and advertise their own brands; or to improve quality of their products.


On the other hand, this scheme aims to assist SME to acquire from banks the capital needed to resolve short-term financial difficulties arising from payment of employees salary, rental expenses of venue of operation, etc., if these SME are directly affected by extraordinary, unpredictable matters or matters which are beyond human control, especially natural disasters or epidemic diseases.


The maximum amount of guarantee offered per each beneficiary under this scheme is MOP 1 million. Moreover, the amount of credit guarantee provided excludes the interest and any other expenses related to repayment of the loan.


“SME Credit Guarantee Scheme” supports the development of SME in Macao and aims to assist them to be financed by banks through offering of credit guarantee. The loan obtained could not be used to repay current debt. Other than that there is no limitation on the form of loan.


Under this scheme, the repayment period of the loan is limited to a maximum of 5 years, counting from the date of signing the loan contract.


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